Silver to Gold Ratio for Last Year
Current Ratio
0.01128Year Change
-0.00007 -0.62%Year high 0.01369
Year low 0.01101

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Silver : Gold One Year Ratio
The above chart shows the one year silver : gold ratio. The gold : silver ratio tells us the value of silver relative to gold, or in simple terms the amount of silver can be bought with the same amount of gold. This ratio is not fixed and fluctuates all the time, with the respective spot prices of gold and silver changing at different rates.
Investors can use the ratio to determine the best time to purchase one metal in place of the other and over the last year this ratio has been particularly low at approximately 0.012, making silver especially cheap.
To put the ratio into perspective, in the last twelve months an individual could have traded one gold bar of any size for more than 70 silver bars of the same size.
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