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Silver to Gold Ratio for Last 3 Months

Current Ratio


3 Month Change

-0.00074 -5.84%

3 Month high 0.01320

3 Month low 0.01113

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Silver : Gold 3 Month Ratio

The above chart shows the silver : gold ratio for the last three years. This shows us the quantitative relationship between silver and gold, or, how much gold it would take to buy an ounce of silver.

This is a useful tool that allows investors to assess the potential benefit of an investment in a certain precious metal, by looking at the fluctuations of silver's value compared to gold. The current ratio in early 2016 is approximately 0.012, while the ratio has fluctuated between around 0.05 and 0.01 since 1970. An investor can see, then, that silver has rarely been cheaper relative to gold than it has been for the last three months and may therefore view it as an investment with great potential.