Gold to Silver Ratio for Last 3 Months
Current Ratio
84.643 Month Change
-2.83 -3.24%3 Month high 88.33
3 Month low 78.86
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Gold : Silver Price Ratio 3 Month
The above chart shows the gold : silver ratio for the last 3 months. Our regularly updated ratio charts display the movements of the relationship between the gold and silver spot prices. The higher the ratio, the cheaper silver is in comparison to gold.
This excellent tool can be used to benefit your investment decision, allowing you to make the best possible purchase based on the current and historical fluctuations in the ratio.
- Commodity Price Charts
- Gold Price
- Silver Price
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- Palladium Price
- Bitcoin Price
- Reverse Ratio Charts
- Silver : Gold Ratio
- Platinum : Gold Ratio
- Silver : Platinum Ratio