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Metal Prices
Gold Price £2,190.01 $2,672.18 €2,594.80
Silver Price £24.46 $29.87 €28.99

Silver to Platinum Ratio for Last 3 Months

Current Ratio


3 Month Change

+0.00029 +0.93%

3 Month high 0.03416

3 Month low 0.03081

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Silver : Platinum Ratio

The silver to platinum ratio demonstrates the relationship between the price of silver and the price of platinum. As well as being precious metals, both silver and platinum have their own unique industrial uses that influence their prices and cause the ratio to fluctuate.

In the last ten years the ratio has risen, mainly due to the silver price soaring during the global economic crisis, but also given significant help by a sustained dip in the platinum price in the last 5 years.

3 Month Ratio

The 3 month ratio chart allows us to trace the recent movements of the metals' relationship, helping us to better assess whether a metal may be undervalued, presenting an excellent investment opportunity.