Silver to Platinum Ratio - All Time
Current Ratio
0.03326Alltime Change
+0.02259 +211.72%Alltime high 0.03326
Alltime low 0.00668

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Silver : Platinum Ratio
The silver: platinum ratio tells us how much platinum it would take to buy an ounce of silver.
The ratio fluctuates as the silver price and platinum price rise and fall at different times and at different rates and is calculated by dividing the silver price by the platinum price.
All Time Ratio
Being much rarer than silver, platinum has always been by far the most expensive of the two metals, although the extent to which this is true has decreased since 2011 as platinum in particular has experienced an enormous loss of value, causing the ratio to increase.
The volatility of both metals means that the ratio is prone to large fluctuations and it has ranged between approximately 0.0066 and 0.025 since the mid-1990s. To put this into perspective, in the last 20 years the value of a silver bar has ranged from 150 times lower than a platinum bar to around 40 times lower.
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