Platinum to Gold Ratio for Last 6 Months
Current Ratio
0.34026 Month Change
-0.0418 -10.95%6 Month high 0.3914
6 Month low 0.3401

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Platinum : Gold 6 Month Ratio
The above chart shows the six month platinum : gold ratio. This tells us how much platinum costs relative to the price of gold, or how much gold can be bought with an ounce of platinum and is calculated by dividing the platinum price by the gold price.
Platinum is rarer than gold and has many more industrial uses, and is therefore typically the more expensive of the two metals. We can see from the charts, however, that this has not been the case more recently. The price of platinum has dropped in the last five years, causing the ratio to fall far below its historical average and the last six months have continued this trend. While the ratio had typically ranged between around 2.2 and 1.1, a platinum bar is currently worth less than 0.8 times as much as a gold bar.
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