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Metal Prices
Gold Price £2,221.44 $2,707.30 €2,624.61
Silver Price £24.86 $30.32 €29.37

35 Year Silver Price History in Pound Sterling per Gram


Current Price


35 Year Change

712.63% £0.71

35 Year high £0.94

35 Year low £0.06

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The chart above shows the per gram price for silver in Pound Sterling, over the last 35 years. Grams are useful for customers who wish to sell scrap silver in small amounts, or for investors buying silver bullion bars, which will often be manufactured in multiple gram units. Silver is one of the cheapest precious metals available, but has seen growth in recent years. Silver spent much of the 1990s and early 2000s below 20p per gram, reaching as low as 6p per gram in 1991. In 2011 it reached a peak of 88p per gram, and has now settled near 40p per gram.

Using the various buttons at the top of the page, you can tailor the chart to your specific needs; including metal, weight, length of time, and currency.
