Henry III Coins
Buy King Henry III coins from BullionByPost. Henry III was King of England from 1216 until 1272. One of the youngest Kings in British history, he was crowned at the age of nine, in the middle of a civil war (known as the First Baron's War).
King Henry III oversaw a reformation of the silver coinage in England, which took place in 1247, in which the Short Cross Pennies were replaced with a new Long Cross design. The recoinage was carried out quickly and efficiently. Henry also introduce gold coinage to England in the form of a gold penny, but the currency was considered overvalued and was ultimately abandoned. Below is our selection of King Henry III coins, with free, fully insured delivery. Need help buying a Henry III coin? Call our friendly staff on 0121 634 8060 or email support@bullionbypost.co.uk and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
King Henry III History
Henry III was born in 1207, the son of King John, and grandson of King Henry II. His father's reign had resulted in a civil war between the crown, and wealthy landowners, in the First Baron's War. When his father died, the throne was disputed, but the nine year old Henry was crowned at Gloucester Cathedral.
Henry was a pious man, but an unpopular King towards the end of his reign. Unsuccessful military campaigns in France had cost the country dearly, and tax collections became a common occurrence among the people.
The Great Charter of 1225 (also known as the Magna Carta) restricted the powers of the English monarchy, and Henry promised to abide by these rules in order to secure peace. Henry did not travel as much as previous Monarchs had, eschewing Europe, and investing heavily in English castles and palaces.
Henry grew increasingly ill in 1270, and concerns grew that the King could face fresh rebellions. His son Edward (later to become King Edward I), had left for the Eight Crusade but refused to turn back as his father requested. When Henry died in 1272 it took some time for Edward to return. Henry was buried in Westminster Abbey, firstly in the former resting place of Edward the Confessor, before being moved to his current location.