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eBay Gold Sovereigns

For many investors in gold, the hardest part is knowing where to start. We are all understandably cautious when it comes to parting with our money and for some it can be a major step to put our trust in the idea that buying physical gold on the internet is the safest idea. For that reason, it’s advised to buy your bullion from a reputable source - a company with a proven track record of excellent security, reliability, and most importantly customer satisfaction.

2019 Gold Sovereign obverse reverse

As the UK’s No.1 online bullion dealer*, BullionByPost can offer you exactly these things, allowing you to invest in gold conveniently, quickly and safely with free, fully insured delivery. Not only are our products available through this website, many are also on eBay as well. Gold Sovereigns are often sold through eBay, by private individuals and collectors, as well as large companies such as ourselves.

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This iconic British gold coin gains its popularity from a combination of its attractive design, typically featuring the famous St George and the dragon decoration on the reverse, as well as its rich history of being a product from the world-renowned Royal Mint. The very first English Sovereign was commissioned by Henry VII in 1489, while the British gold Sovereigns we know today are a little more modern, dating back to 1817.

Gold Sovereign coin obverse heads Queen Elizabeth II

Investing in Sovereigns is a very common way of investing in gold bullion, attracting countless customers, investors and collectors alike, to both our website and our eBay store.

There are numerous financial benefits to investing in Sovereigns rather than other forms of asset. Sovereigns weigh just below 8g, meaning they are available for a relatively small outlay per unit. This makes them ideal for investors of all sizes who wish to split their portfolio into smaller parts. Although this method incurs larger premiums than a 1kg bar, for example, the flexibility involved allows an individual greater freedom to use their bullion how they see fit. While finding a buyer for a portion of your Sovereign portfolio can be done quickly and conveniently due to their size and reputation, selling a third of your 1kg gold bar may not always be practical.

As legal tender in the UK, Sovereigns - like Britannias - are exempt from Capital Gains Tax, making them more tax efficient than the vast majority of investments. In the event that the price of gold soars and you sell your coins for a large profit, you would be free to keep your money to invest or spend as you please.

Buying eBay gold Sovereigns is not necessarily a risk, but the popularity of this coin unfortunately makes it a target for fakes. Even copy coins can be genuinely mistaken for the real thing by someone, so buying from a reputable and knowledgeable seller is a must. We stock and sell gold Sovereigns on the BullionByPost eBay page, giving you the confidence to buy from a trusted dealer.
